About Course

we must recite Qur’an according to the rules of the art of Qur’anic recitation as close as possible as it was revealed with the Tajweed rules and The prophet recited it back to Jibreel in that way.

The fundamental and Basic Rules of Tajweed:

  • Refuge (Isti’athah) and Basmalah
  • Articulations points of Arabic Alphabet (Makhaarij)
  • The sifaat of the letters
  • Noon and Meem Mushaddad Rules
  • Noon saakinah and Tanween Rules
  • Meem saakinah Rules
  • Laam shamsyiah&Qamariyah
  • Heavy and light letters
  • Al- MADD
  • Hamzah Al wasl& Hamzah Al Qatua’
  • Silent& pronounced Alif

Parents wish that their children recite Qur’an correctly and beautifully, but think that is hard, But Qur’any Academy uses practical and professional ways to teach that course to be easy for you.
And Allah says “And we have indeed made the Qur’an easy to understand and remember; then is there anyone who will remember (or receive admonition) (Al-Qamar: 40)
.So, Trust in Allah, and begin this course.

Which language do you prefer to learn?

What Will You Learn?

  • fundamental and Basic Rules of Tajweed.
  • recite Qur'an correctly and beautifully.
  • read Qur'an correctly.

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Classical Arabic language (Fusha)


Noorani Qaida course online


Ijazah Program