Etiquettes of the seeker of knowledge


The Messenger of Allah says: “Whoever follows a path in the pursuit of knowledge, Allah will make easy for him a path to Paradise. The angels lower their wings in approval of the seeker of knowledge, and everyone in the heavens and on earth prays for forgiveness for the seeker of knowledge, even the fish in the sea. The superiority of the scholar over the worshipper is like the superiority of the moon above all other heavenly bodies. The scholars are the heirs of the Prophets, for the Prophets did not leave behind a Dinar or Dirham, rather they left behind knowledge, so whoever takes it has taken a great share.’’

There are a lot of etiquettes of seeking knowledge:

1 – Patience

The one who seeks knowledge must have patience in the path of knowledge. A lot of people can’t attend the gatherings of knowledge and listen to the people of knowledge. So, patience can help you to complete the path of knowledge. Allah the Almighty says” Indeed, Allah is with the patient “

2 – intention

The one who seeks knowledge must have a sincere intention to please Allah. Beware of showing off and the love of making oneself appear to be superior to one’s peers. The Messenger of Allah said: “Ask Allah for beneficial knowledge and seek refuge with Allah from the knowledge that is of no benefit.”

3 – Acting upon what you know

The one who seeks knowledge must act upon what you know. Umar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, said, “Acquire knowledge and teach people. Learn with its dignity and tranquility, humility for those who teach you, and humility for those whom you teach. Do not be tyrannical scholars and thus base your knowledge upon your ignorance.”

4 –  Allah is watching you

The one who seeks knowledge must be aware that Allah is watching you in all your matters.

5 – The time.

Make the most of your youth and your whole life through learning.  Every hour of your life that passes is irreplaceable. Eliminate all the distractions and obstacles that prevent you from doing your best to gain knowledge.

The Messenger of Allah the Almighty said, “Man’s feet will not move on the Day of Resurrection before he is asked about his life, how did he consume it, his knowledge, what did he do with it, his wealth, how did he earn it and how did he dispose of it, and about his body, how did he wear it out.”

6 – Avoid disputes and distractions

Beware not to get caught up first in disputes between scholars, or among people in general, because this confuses the mind. Be careful not to move from one book to another (before completing the first), this is a sign of boredom and failure.

7 – Focus

Be sure to check what you want to memorize to be sure of it, whether from a sheikh or someone else who will benefit you. Then memorize it correctly and repeat it constantly and review it at specific times every day, lest you forget what you have memorized.

8 – Studying books

Don’t delay learning everything you can, and don’t get distracted or postpone it. Make the most of your time, when you’re free and when you’re busy. You should try and obtain as many books as you need because they are learning tools. Do not get and keep many of them without benefitting from them.

9 –  Companions

Be sure to choose good friends who are preoccupied with the pursuit of knowledge and of good nature, who can help you achieve your goal, add to the benefits you have already gained, encourage you to seek more knowledge, Friends who are committed to religion, trustworthy, people of good character, loyal to Allah, and those who do not just mess around.

10 – Finally, good manners towards the Shaikh

Treat your sheikh with politeness, respect and reverence for him.

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