Introduction to Tajweed



  • Meaning of Tajweed   

Literally, Tajweed means beautification. The Arabs say Jawwada (verb) something, i.e. beautify it. The Arabs also use Tajweed to mean doing something in a perfect way. When somebody Jawwada something, he does it in the best way and with the best quality.

But the term Tajweed is one of the most prominent sciences of the Qur’an. Scholars have defined the Qur’an as the words of Allah revealed to Muhammad(PBUH). The recitation of the Holy Qur’an is a form of worship. There are two kinds of the science of Tajweed; the first is Knowledge of the rules of recitation set up by the scholars of Tajweed. This is called the theorical Tajweed, and the second type of Tajweed is the practical one, which means: saying each letter with its right mode of articulation and in its right place of articulation.

   2-The importance of Tajweed

  • Knowing Tajweed is necessary to safeguard a reciter of the Qur’an from committing mistakes. These mistakes can change the meaning of the Qur’anic verses(ayat). So, every muslim should know Tajweed to read the Holy Qur’an correctly as the Prophet read(PBUH).

The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “Whoever recites a letter from the Book of Allah, he will be credited with a good deed, and a good deed gets a ten-fold reward. I do not say that Alif-Lam-Mim is one letter, but Alif is a letter, Lam is a letter and Mim is a letter.” (At-Tirmidhi)


  • Listening to the Holy Qur’an is enough to soften even the hardest hearts. Every Muslim should recite Qur’an correctly during the prayer but many of us don’t realize it, observing the rules of recitation is an advanced science for expert reciters alone but it is an obligation upon each one of us during reciting the Holy Qur’an.

Allah the Almighty said: “When the Quran is recited, listen to it attentively and be silent, so you may be shown mercy”. (Al-A’raf:204)


  • Knowing the Makhraj and Sifaat of each letter is an important part of Tajweed, and also knowing mistakes that one might fall into when reciting the Quran. These mistakes are divided into two mistakes; clear mistakes (obvious mistakes which can change meaning) and hidden mistakes (Tajweed rules that you should learn these rules).

A’isha reported Allah’s messenger as saying, “One who is skilled in the Qur’an is associated with the noble, upright recording angels; and he who falters when reciting the Qur’ān and finds it difficult for him will have a double reward.” (Bukhari and Muslim)

  • How to start the journey with Tajweed rules?
  • Begin to make an intention for learning Tajweed for the sake of Allah ‘the Almighty’ to please Him.
  • Remember the reward of correct reciting of the Holy Qur’an all the journey to be as a motivation for learning Tajweed.
  • Feel the meaning of this Hadith about reciting the Book of Allah and studying it; “And whoever follows a path to seek knowledge therein, Allah will make easy for him a path to Paradise. No people gather together in one of the Houses of Allah, reciting the Book of Allah and studying it among themselves, except that sakeenah (tranquility) descends upon them, and mercy envelops them, and the angels surround them, and Allah mentions them amongst those who are with Him. And whoever is slowed down by his actions, will not be hastened forward by his lineage. Related by (Muslim).

The best way to learn Tajweed is on-line courses that you can save your time and choose the suitable teacher for you and this teacher can support you all the time during learning Tajweed and then reciting the Holy Qur’an correctly. Qur’any academy can help you to read Qur’an correctly.

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:

The Messenger of Allah(PBUH) said, “Allah makes the way to Jannah easy for him who treads the path in search of knowledge.” (Muslim)

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