Rules of laam saakinah 

Laam saakinahلْ is a laam which is free from any harakahof dammah or fathah or kasrah. It has a sukoon on a letter(laam) لْ.

Types of Laam saakinah

1Laam of the definite article (Laam at-ta’reef).

2Laam saakinah of the verb.

3Laam saakinah of the noun.

4-Laam saakinah of the participle.

5Laam saakinah of the command.

1- Laam at-ta’reef:

It is the definite article of Arabic alif-laam (الـ) added at the beginning of the common nouns to make them clearly defined or proper nouns.

It consists of two categories:

A- Laam Al-Qamariyyah

B- Laam Ash-Shamsiyyah

A) Laam Al-Qamariyyah

– It is written and pronounced, and after it, a Shaddahdoes not appear.

– It has a sukoon on Laam: القمر 

– It has al-ithhaar rule which means pronouncing letter clearly.

– If Laam is followed by any letter that collected in this phrase (ابغ حجك وخف عقيمة), laam will have ith-haar rule.

B) Laam Ash-Shamsiyyah

It is written but not pronounced, and after it, a Shaddahwill appear.

– it has al-idgham rule: الشمس

– If Laam is followed by the rest of letters, laam will have al-idgham rule.

2- Laam of the verb:

– It is Laam saakinah originally present in the word whether the verb is past, present or command.

– It is either in the middle (present tense) or at the end of the word.

– It has al-ith-haar rule (wojob al- ith-haar) except if it is followed by laamل or raa’ ر.

– It has al-idgham rule if it is followed by Laam or raa’.

Example:    قُل رَّبِّ

3- Laam saakinah of the noun:

– It is Laam saakinah originally present in the word not added to the word or extra like Laam at-ta’reef.

– It is always in the middle of the word.

Example:   اللَّيْلَ


Laam saakinah can’t be at the beginning of the word because the Arabs don’t start with saakin, and it can’t be at the end of the noun because t isn’t the grammatical sign for nouns.

4- Laam saakinah of the verb:

– It is laam saakinah originally present in the verb whether the verb is past, present, or imperative.
• So, there are three types of the verb in the Arabic language:
1- Past verb
2- Present verb
3- Imperative verb
1- Past tense:
– There is a difference between Arabic and English in this tense. In English, it refers to the past actions but in Arabic, it doesn’t always refer to past actions.
– It is found only in the middle of the word.

2- Present tense:
It is found in the middle and at the end of the word.
It has al-ithhaar rule if laam saakinah is not followed by laam or raa’ but if it is followed by the letter of laam or raa’, it will have idgham rule because of the similarity and the near of makhraj.
The second letter (laam and raa’) after laam saakinahhas a shaddah on it.
3- Imperative verb:

It is found in the middle and at the end of the word.

It has al-ithhaar rule except if it is followed by laamor raa.


5-Laam of the participle:

It is laam saakinah originally present in the word
It is found at the end of the word.
Its letters are هل-بل
If it is followed by laam and raa’, it will have idghamrule but if it isn’t followed by one of the two letters(laam-raa’), it will have ith-haar rule.
And there is a shaddah on the other letter after laamsaakinah.


One place can’ be merged although laam saakinah is followed by raa because there is a sakt according to Hafs. So, will use ith-haar rule in the following: بل رَّان

Laam of the command:

– It is laam saakinah added to the present verb.

-It is found at the middle of the word and at the end of the word.

-If it is followed by laam and raa’, it will have idghamrule but if it isn’t followed by one of the two letters(laam-raa’), it will have ith-haar rule.

-When Laam Saakinah is added to the present tense verb form, it will be changed and then be a type of command if it is preceded by thumma   ثم or waaw و or faaف

Example:   وَلْيُوفُوا

What is the type of laam saakinah in the following Ayah?



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