Makharij Al-Huroof (Articulation points of letters)


Makharij- Articulation points of letters


Makharij means the place of emitting the letter during pronouncing.

The five main Makharij are:

  1. Al-Jawf
  2. Al-Halq
  3. Al-Lisaan
  4. Ash-Shafataan
  5. Al-Khayshoom

1- Makhraj Al-Jawf


It is the empty space in the mouth and throat.

Its letters:

1- Alif saakinah with a fathah before it.

2- Yaa’ saakinah with a kasrah before it.

3- Waaw saakinah with a dammah before it.

It can be collected in one word: نُوحِيهَا


2- Makhraj Al-Halq


It means the throat.

Its letters:

 It has three articulation points for six letters, as follows:

1- The deepest part of the throat: Hamzah-ء Haa’ هـ

2- The middle of the throat: Haa’ح -Ayn ع

3-  The closest part of the throat: Khaa’خ -Gyan غ

  4- Makhraj Al-Lisaan

   1. Articulation points not from the tip of the tongue:

-The deepest part of the tongue& roof of the mouth (soft palate): Qaafق

* Base of Tongue which is near Uvula touching the mouth roof

– The deepest part of the tongue& roof of the mouth (hard palate): Kaaf ك

* Portion of Tongue near its base touching the roof of mouth

The middle of the tongue & hard palate:  JeemجSheen ش yaa’ ي

      *Tongue touching the center of the mouth roof

The side of the tongue & upper molars (left or right): Daad ض

 *One side of the tongue touching the molar teeth

– Front edge of tongue & gums of upper front teeth:  Laam ل

* Rounded tip of the tongue touching the base of the frontal 8 teeth

                                                    Articulation points from the tip of the tongue:

                                                    Tip of tongue& gums of two front teethن 

                                            – Tip& top of the tongue with the gums of two front teeth ر



Tip of tongue& gum line of two front teeth ط د ت

Tip of tongue& plates of two lower front teeth ص ز س

Tip of tongue & edges of two front teeth ظ ذ ث



 It means the two lips.

 Its letters:

  • Faa’ف: Edges of two front teeth and inside of bottom lip
  • Waawو: Circling of the two lips
  • Meem: مClosing of the two lips
  • Baa’: ب Closing of the two lips stronger than meemم




It means the nasal passage.

Its letters:

This is where the ghunnah (the sound directed through the nose).

The ghunnah is a characteristic of noonن and meemم

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